Are You a Good Candidate for IVF in Greece?

Jan 9, 2024 | Future parents

Are You a Good Candidate for IVF in Greece?

According to World Health Organization (WHO), infertility may be caused by several factors, in either the male or female reproductive systems. However, it is sometimes impossible to explain the causes of infertility. In the female reproductive system, infertility may be caused by:

  • -Tubal disorders such as blocked fallopian tubes, which are caused by untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or complications of unsafe abortion, postpartum sepsis, or abdominal/pelvic surgery.
  • -Uterine disorders which could be inflammatory (such as endometriosis), congenital (such as septate uterus), or benign (such as fibroids).
  • -Disorders of the ovaries, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and other follicular disorders;
  • -Disorders of the endocrine system cause imbalances of reproductive hormones. The endocrine system includes the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands. Examples of common disorders affecting this system include pituitary cancers and hypopituitarism.

In the male reproductive system, infertility may be caused by:

  • -Obstruction of the reproductive tract causes dysfunctionalities in the ejection of semen. This blockage can occur in the tubes that carry semen (such as ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles). Blockages are commonly due to injuries or infections of the genital tract.
  • -Hormonal disorders leading to abnormalities in hormones produced by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and testicles. Hormones such as testosterone regulate sperm production. Examples of disorders that result in hormonal imbalance include pituitary or testicular cancers.
  • -Testicular failure to produce sperm, for example, due to varicoceles or medical treatments that impair sperm-producing cells (such as chemotherapy).
  • -Abnormal sperm function and quality. Conditions or situations that cause abnormal shape (morphology) and movement (motility) of the sperm negatively affect fertility. For example, using anabolic steroids can cause abnormal semen parameters such as sperm count and shape.

How to mentally prepare for IVF

Reducing stress before, during, and after IVF procedures is for your success. Some certain tips and techniques can help you to manage your stress. You can visit our website: and download our comprehensive booklet “Tips and secrets to reduce stress during IVF”.

IVF treatment cost

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available from the state-of-the-art IVF Clinics in Greece. The one treatment that can provide you with the greatest chance of success is IVF. We at RED OVUM, believe it is the most affordable and accessible to women from any socio-economic background. Greek IVF procedures are equally as effective as those offered in the US and Europe.

Greece is also a popular place for treatment because the staff is well-trained and experienced, donors have assured anonymity unlike in countries such as the UK, and the cost of the treatment is cheaper in comparison with most other countries in Europe. Costs range from EUR 3,500 for treatment with the mother’s eggs to EUR 8,000 for IVF treatments with donor eggs.

Greece is considered the cheapest place to have IVF, with exceptional value for money, given its state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and well-trained medical employees.

See the table below as a comparison for IVF treatment costs in Greece:

Treatment optionPrice range
IVF with own eggs programme€3,500 – €5,000
IVF with donor eggs programme€5,000 – €8,000
Donor sperm€800 –   €1,500
Frozen embryo transfer (all embryos)€1,200 – €2,000

Freezing eggs cost

Freezing eggs cost in Greece varies, depending on the IVF Clinic. Freezing eggs cost: 1500-2500€. That is the cost for one egg freezing cycle including stimulation, scans, and egg collection. Then IVF Clinics offer to freeze the eggs collected in batches of 1- 5 eggs and the first 2 straws (up to 10 eggs ) are normally included in the price of the cycle. Any extra straw is charged 200€-300€ for freezing per straw which includes storage for the first year (further years 200€-300€ /year per straw).

IVF refund programme in Greece and money-back guarantee programme

Quite a lot of Greek IVF Clinics can offer sound financial planning to their clients. Such financial planning involves installments at a certain time, agreed upon between the IVF Clinic and the couple itself. Certain Greek IVF clinics can offer an installment plan, free of interest. Money back guarantee programme is offered under certain circumstances and specific criteria like a woman`s age.

Egg donation in Greece

Egg donation is the process through which a woman donates eggs for assisted reproduction. Given the difficulty that many women face about getting pregnant with their ova, more women every day are looking into egg donation as their solution to become pregnant. Egg donation is now a simple and painless process, during which the couple is provided with donor eggs.  Then, with the recipient’s sperm, they are fertilized and implanted to the recipient woman. The recipient couple specifies certain characteristics such as height, weight, the colour of eyes and hair, the complexion of skin, and educational level and occupation. Donor matching is mainly determined by physical characteristics.

All the donors are screened as it is required by Greek law and in compliance with the HFEA guidelines. This includes a complete physical examination, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, and genetic screening, to exclude the possibility of inheritable diseases.  A complete personal and family medical history is taken. Both the recipient and the partner need to be checked for HIV1,2, HCV, HBsAg, and VDRL.

Donors Anonymity as an advantage

The anonymity laws in place for egg and sperm donation in Greece mean many people are willing to donate. There is virtually no waiting list for egg or sperm donation treatment. This, with the low cost of treatment, makes Greece a popular place for people seeking egg donations abroad.

IVF Legal environment in Greece

For years, the history of the treatment of infertility in Greece was not documented and there was no legal framework for treating infertile couples. The laws in Greece were reformed in 2003, and in 2010 an act was introduced to reform the laws concerning assisted reproduction. The Act on Assisted Reproduction became effective in October 2011.

Nowadays Greek progressive legislation on assisted reproduction is considered one of the most liberal in Europe. It allows egg donation and surrogacy and includes and supports most IVF methods, such as e.g. intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), egg donation, blastocyst transfer, frozen embryo transfer and assisted hatching (AH).

There is now a specific regulatory body in Greece to oversee IVF clinics and to ensure that they comply with Greek IVF laws. National Medically Assisted Reproduction (ACE) is now in place to regulate the IVF clinics. Licensed IVF clinics & cryobanks can be found there. There are about 46 IVF licensed clinics. That is The Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction (

The Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction is a national body that introduces and controls the scientific, legal, and moral frame in which all Greek IVF clinics and organizations related to assisted reproduction are functioning. The common frame in which the Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Clinics practice guarantees to women and couples that the services obtained are reliable and therefore trustworthy.  The Authority was put in action again in March 2014 to cover the big gap that existed in controlling the area of assisted reproduction and the safe functioning of the different related clinics and organizations.

Greece is a popular place for treatment because the staff is well trained and experienced, the IVF laws are fairly liberal, and the cost of the treatment can be cheaper than in other countries in Europe.

Red Ovum, is a new concept, a new idea, a new team of experienced experts, ready to assist you at your own IVF journey treatment to Greece. We are ready to offer an integrated approach to medical services so that you do not have to worry about anything else than your IVF treatment success!

For further information about Red Ovum please contact us!